Pro Ukunda e.V.

Hilfe für Menschen in Ukunda/Kenia


83 Einträge auf 17 Seiten
Kevin Murk
18.11.2024 07:31:14
Klasse Schule! Wir waren im Oktober in Kenia. Mit vorheriger Absprache mit der Frau Remmert wurde vor Ort ein Treffen mit ihrem Mitarbeiter arrangiert. Sehr netter Mensch (wie alle dort). In der Schule merkt man das es voran geht. Sei es mit dem Essen für die Kinder oder der neue Computerraum. Top! Sehr nette Lehrer, Schulleitung und die Kinder haben sich sichtlich über unseren Besuch gefreut. Natürlich dürften auch ein paar Sachen wie Blö­cke,­Stifte,­Radierer,­Schuhe etc. nicht fehlen die wir aus Deutschland mitgebracht hatten. An der Stelle nochmal ein Riesen Dank an Ilonka die das möglich gemacht hat.

Wir kommen wieder, das steht fest.

Liebe Grüße

Kevin und Katrin
Happy Muthoni
08.11.2024 15:21:30
Hello everyone!
On behalf of all grade 6 pupils, i would like to say thank you very much for the feeding programmes, beautiful kitchens, new school uniforms, school infrastructure, eye check up programmes, medical rounds for the kindergarten kids and of course the new electric cooker!

Bye bye, hoping that you will keep on supporting us, because it means the world to us!

Happy Muthoni and entire grade 6 pupils,
Bongwe School
Beatrice Gambo
08.11.2024 14:57:57
Greetings from Bongwe School and Bongwe Community at large.
May i take this opportunity to thank all donors and members of Pro Ukunda e.V. for the assistance given to our school.

Surely you have done alot to the school, starting from the Kindergrten Programs where they get milk porridge and fruits daily, medical check-up at school and clinic treatment whenever they fell sick.
Not forgetting the school uniforms, good classrooms, lunch programs, modern cooker, computer room, etc.

We are now looking forward to having the Solar System which will help in cutting the cost of electricity which is relatively high.

Thank you so much and long live Pro Ukunda!

By Beatrice Gambo
Deputy Headteacher
Bongwe School
Ilonka Remmert
09.03.2024 20:58:55
Herzliche Grüße aus Ukunda!
Wieder einmal bin ich vor Ort, um die Projekte zu kontrollieren. Bisher gab es Treffen mit den meisten Patenkindern, Dr. Mwakomah führte die erste Vorsorgeuntersuchung durch und beim Rundgang an der Schule wurden kleine Mängel festgestellt, die nun sofort repariert werden. Es sehr heiß, alles geht nur langsam voran. Heute habe ich mich mit der Gruppe Tumaini zusammengesetzt. In der nächsten Woche findet noch ein umfangreiches "Meeting" an der Schule statt. Ausführlicher berichte ich nach der Reise.
Mbaji Muruu Munga
28.02.2024 23:20:10
Hi all,
Hopefully the year has started well and everything is good. Am personally taking this opportunity to pass on my warm greetings from Bongwe. We started the year well and everything is fine.
Once again, I'd wish to register my utmost appreciation for the support you accorded us in the year 2023.Actualy we managed to record the best results since the school started. We were the most improved school in the area with a meanscore of 268.39.
We celebrated this performance together with our area governor. All teachers, parents and the children really enjoyed, it was so wonderful.
Today I'd wish to officially inform the team that am retired. I attained the age of 60yrs on the 18th Feb 2024.So am in the final stages of handing over the school, by Thursday 29th of February I'll be done.
So, I'd like to thank the Pro ukunda eV for the cooperation you have given me since 2018.It has been along journey but all in all we have made great achievements. I want to extend my gratitude to all of the following people who have made us be where we are today.:-
1.Our honorable President of Pro ukunda eV Mdm Ilonka Remert for her tireless commitment towards the programmes
2.All other stakeholders of Pro ukunda eV for their financial support to the programmes
3.Masud Vumbi who's been linking the school and Germany to make sure that all goes well.
4.My colleague staff mates who have been working up and down to make sure all programmes are successfully completed, more so Mdm Gambo my deputy and Mdm Jacinta who has been with the children with special needs.
5.The support staff, mainly the cooks and not forgetting Lizy and Juma for their support.
Lastly let me not forget the doctor and also the parents who have always been there for us.
So as I proceed to my retirement, I want to thank you all. You have been very wonderful people,always there to support the needy children. I have really enjoyed working with you.
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