Pro Ukunda e.V.

Hilfe für Menschen in Ukunda/Kenia


80 Einträge auf 8 Seiten
27.05.2022 09:39:01
Hallo everyone,it's another day,time and year 2022. Hopefully all is well back there in Germany as it is here in Kenya.
May I,on behalf of the Bongwe child and the entire community,take this time to thank Pro Ukunda e.V for your continued support to us.Surely the programs av really boosted the children's education and health status. Most of them are now doing well and joining junior high school.
We also appreciate ur support on the renovations made on some of the structures that appear old.Right now I can confirm that the all is well.
May I also thank the organisation for taking care of the needy and vulnerable students.The food and health services that you give them have really boosted their potential for learning.
The kindergarten is also doing well,more children are joining the school.
As a school we want to thank Pro Ukunda e.V for this generous effort. We all appreciate ur humble support and commitment towards our children. We look forward to continuing working together so that the dreams of this young generation may be realized.
Thank you,thank you so much. We wish you all the best as we continue to be good friends.
Best regards from:-
Ilonka Remmert
12.02.2022 11:08:47
Liebe Freunde und Helfer!
Nach 2 Jahren "Coronapause" grüße ich aus Ukunda. Endlich kann ich die Projekte selbst wieder sehen! Masoud hat in der Zwischenzeit alles bestens hier vor Ort abgewickelt. Nach meiner Rückkehr in 3 Wochen gibt es dann aktuelle Infos auf unserer homepage.
Sonnige Grüße aus dem heißen Kenia!
Ilonka Remmert
Ochuka Jacinta
26.11.2021 14:06:28
Happy thanksgiving!!!!! I would like to take this opportunity to thank mama Ilonka nad team for the continued help given to Bongwe primary school and the Bongwe village at large.The different programmes that are currently going on has resulted in improvement in learning to most of our children in Bongwe Primary.For instance the eye programme that is making sure that any bonngwe pupil with eye difficulty sees an optician and medication and spectacles provided all the way from primary level to Kiga.. Thank you very much.The feeding programme of the 30 sickly and needy pupils who used to take medication due to different illnesses and lacked proper feeding, this has improved the health of this pupils and most are nowadays quite active in school.Sadly we lost 3 due to lack of proper parental follow up of medication during the long covid 19 period break from school.This breaks my heart as a teacher but still motivated to continue being there for those who still need the help.Thank you for the food that your programme sends to them.Asante sana.. And to the other programme of educating the top pupils in secondary be blessed.. Our school looks more beautiful everyday through several innovations done frequently.. The feeding programme for class eight and other classes that nowadays rotates to different classes is of huge help..Asanteni sana.. Happy thanksgiving mama ilonka and team
Jacinta Ochuka, Teacher Bongwe Primary
17.11.2021 22:50:53
My name is Mbaji M.Munga,Head teacher Bongwe Primary School. May I take this opportunity,on behalf of the management,­teachers,­parents and pupils THANK Pro-Ukunda for the continued support uv given us.Surely we really appreciate you all for your good gesture.
The following are some of the activities undertaken by Pro-Ukunda:-
1.Feeding program for the pupils-Class 8,Kindergarten and the other alternating classes.
-Flooring of the class 8 block,
-Building of 2 cupboards in the two classes for class 8
-Flooring and painting of grade 3.Special need children
-Provision of food for the children of special needs well managed by Jacinta.
4.Health programs for the kindergarten
-Eye clinics are well conducted by the doctors as planned.
I wish to Express my sincere appreciation to Masoud who has worked tirelessly to make sure that all goes well.
We therefore send you all our warm greetings from Bongwe,all is well and we look forward for more support.
Bashir Hassan
11.06.2021 14:17:57
Liebe Pro-Ukunda,

Mein Name ist Bashir Hassan Moyo, geboren am 19. Oktober 1992 in einer Familie mit 8 Kindern, ich bin der 6. Unsere Eltern konnten uns keine Ausbildung geben. Ich habe Mama Ilonka 2009 kennengelernt, als ich aus Geldmangel nicht zur Schule ging.
Sie beschloss, mir zu helfen, mein Studium fortzusetzen. Ich war glücklich und versprach, mein Bestes zu geben. Mama Ilonka hat mich zu 100% unterstützt (Schuluniformen, Bücher, Fahrrad, Deutschkurs, usw), um meine Träume zu verwirklichen. 2012 war ich der beste französische Schüler in Kenia. Ich besuchte Frankreich im Jahr 2013 für französische kulturelle Aktivitäten. Es war nicht leicht, einen festen Beruf zu bekommen. Mama Ilonka hat mich noch in verschiedenen Studien unterstützt. Jetzt bin ich sehr glücklich und danke Mama Ilonka und dem Pro-Ukunda-Team von ganzem Herzen. Ich arbeite jetzt mit der französischen Regierung zusammen, ich bin die Rezeptionistin der französischen Botschaft in Kenia. Vielen Dank, Mama Ilonka. Vielen Dank, dass du mir Licht in meinem Leben gegeben hast. Ich möchte auch dem gesamten Pro-Ukunda-Team danken. Bitte fahren Sie mit der Guten Güte fort. Bitte geben Sie Licht in das Leben kenianischer Studenten.

Ganz herzlichen Dank und Grüße,

Bashir Hassan Moyo.
Saymon Kuloba
27.03.2021 19:15:19
Hi great and wonderful Pro- Ukunda group, Thank you so much mama Ilonka and the members of group for the good work you are doing to support the needy children, Also thank you so much for the whole year food sopport during Corona Virus time,I appreciate you and the Team so much beacouse we would have died of hunger but you came to rescue us ,Thank so much full college fee for Elizabeth ,May God bless this group so much.Special thanks to madam Sylvia and mr Christian, thank you so much for great support to us,Asante sana and God bless you all. Saymon Kuloba
Jacinta Ochuka
14.11.2020 14:40:34
Hello wonderful people.I'm happy to be writing here once again because my sickly and needy people are doing much much better..During the Covid 19 time when the schools had closed with your aid they continued getting food as usual.The feeding of the needy did not stop and this helped them improve more in their health..when we opened school in October for the grade 4 and class 8 who are under the needy and sickly program looked healthier and most had added some weight compared to how they were before.Even some of the teachers in the school noticed and commented positively about it..I'm back here to say thank you and thank you.Though I have around 2 or 3 out of the whole group whose health has not stabilised but the rest look healthier,stronger and happier .. thank you all for the support to our Bongwe pupils..much love from kenya
Bashir Hassan
08.11.2020 14:59:38
Ich heiße Bashir Hassan aus Ukunda-Kenia. Aus einer Familie mit 6 Kindern und Eltern. Ich möchte Pro-Ukunda aufrichtig für alles danken. Das Deutsch, das ich schreibe, ist ein lebenslanges Geschenk von Ihnen. Nochmals vielen Dank, dass Sie uns in dieser schwierigen Zeit mit Essen unterstützen. Das Programm ist sehr hilfreich. Dafür sind wir sehr dankbar. Ohne Ihre Unterstützung könnte unser Leben komplizierter sein. Gott segne PRO-UKUNDA

Bashir und Familie
Masoud Vumbi
20.08.2020 17:19:41
im Namen meiner Familie, moechte ich Pro Ukunda e.V und allen Hilfern dafuer danken, dass Sie uns seit dem Beginn der globalen Krise mit Geld unterstuetzt haben, um Lebensmittel zu kaufen. Ihre Hilfe wird hier sehr geschaetzt!

Vielen Dank!
Masoud Vumbi
Jacinta Ochuka
20.08.2020 17:08:02
Greetings!! Greetings,
I am thanking Mama Ilonka and Pro Ukunda e.V for the continued support given to Kenyan children in Bongwe School and even Bongwe Community as a whole. As a treacher of Bongwe School i'm so happy to say that the programme of giving food to the sick children has really helped my pupils and even their families, because some of them are using medicine daily and cannot afford the three meals at their homes!

Much love from Bongwe School!
Teacher Jacinta Ochuka
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